Players and singers are invited to join in music teams for Cursillo weekends, Camp Beckwith and

Diocese events. If you play an instrument, sing and want to join in – come learn how to be part of a

music team!

Let’s get to know one another and share our music, fellowship and fun.

Topics include:

The workshop will be led by professional musicians, Cursillo music veterans and clergy within the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast (sponsored by the Cursillo Commission).


Friday Workshop Only, Jan. 24 – $50. Includes breakfast and lunch

Optional Lodging on Thursday. Jan 23 includes the Workshop on Friday. No dinner served on

Thursday. The lodging price includes breakfast and lunch on Friday

   -  Single occupancy $115. per person

   -  Double occupancy $92. per person

Lodging check-in after 3 p.m. on Thursday

Download and print a poster/handout for sharing 

For information: